Friday, May 13, 2016

It Just Hit Me

The other day, I was walking Professor and I realized that he is 4 years old. He turned 4 in January, but it just hit me. If he was my human baby, I would have already taken him to the pediatrician for a check up and he would have gotten his 4 year old shots.

That's big. How could it be that he is no longer a little puppy?

Here is one of the first pictures I took of Professor:
He was the cutest puppy in the world. He fit right in my lap. 

I get very sentimental when I think about how big Professor is, and how big my patients at the clinic are getting. Yes, I want your baby to meet their developmental milestones. But please. Can you slow down time just a little? All of my newborns that I started seeing when we opened are almost 2 years old. I'm going to be a puddle of goo when it comes to my own babies. I can see it already.

This was taken in 2012. Professor was about 12 weeks old. 

On a different note, I love living in anticipation, especially when it is anticipation of something great. Right now, I am anticipating a lot of things... 

-Going on a date with Yung this week to see Wicked
-Trying lots of wedding cake because that's where we are at with our planning (I'm getting married!!!)
-Working out twice as hard to rid the extra cake calories because that's how I am
-Road tripping to Austin for a sweet friend's bachelorette party
-Seeing my family in June and celebrating my dad and my brother 
-Visiting with all of my Louisiana peeps that I haven't seen since Christmas 
-Trying on my first Rent The Runway dress that I should be receiving in 5 weeks
-Spending as much time outside as possible because come August, the Texas heat will take over
-Using my new Norwex mop (Cleaning with only water!)
-Trying out my new essential oils (Yes, ya'll! I can't wait to see how they work!)
-My mom got me Rodan and Fields eye cream! Anticipating that my eye "wrinkles" will go away! 
-Setting up video chats with long distance friends because we can (why don't we use this more often?!)

This was my brother and I last month. So fun!
Cheers to a new week!
Xoxo, Connie

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