Sunday, March 24, 2013

Home Is Where The Heart Is

Last week, I went home for a couple days for a little break from the city. Even though I have lived in Texas for almost 10 years, I still consider Lake Charles, Louisiana my “home.” I often find it hard to believe that I have lived away from my parents for this long.  This visit was not too unlike the others, but still great all the same.  When I go home, I love to…

Get my haircut. This is usually one of the first things I do.  I've struggled for years to find a good salon in Dallas and finally gave up.  I sure hope Emily doesn't mind, but I've decided that she is going to do my hair for the rest of my life.  She is so wonderful and also the older sister to one of my good friends.    

   Eat. And eat and eat. From Casa (favorite Mexican), to crawfish, to my mom’s home cooking--it is guaranteed that I always leave LC feeling slightly obese.

Hang out with Aaron. My little brother is so kind as to almost always be able to make the drive to see me.  He is growing up so fast and about to graduate from college.  Seems like just yesterday when we would watch Friends (we know all the lines by heart), go swimming, and play cards all day.  Speed or slap jack, anyone??

Catch up with Jenn and Kari (Emily's little sis!).  The three of us have not lived in the same city since 2001 (That’s 9th grade, people!), but I believe our friendship gets stronger as each year passes.  Thank goodness for group texting. It's how we keep each other in the loop. 

  This visit was very special, as we got to celebrate Kari’s engagement over martinis and even a baby daiquiri for me.

Go to Prien Lake Park. Even with the 210 bridge and chemical plants in the background, I think this park is beautiful.  There is so much grass and sidewalk space…everything a girl wants for her and her pup.

Celebrate a birthday. You will quickly learn that birthdays (everyone's birthday!) are very special to me. I am a firm believer in "birthday weeks." Everyone deserves to feel special all the time, but especially around the time they were brought onto this earth! My mom’s turns a year older in April, but we celebrated early because we won’t all be together next month.

 And there you have it—a typical LC visit. 

Until next time…

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Life As We Know It

So…I am starting a blog for fun! I am not a writer.  Nor am I a photographer.  I don’t really cook a whole lot these days, and I also don’t do much in the home fixer-upper department.  But in the event that I take a picture that isn't fuzzy, try a new Pioneer Woman recipe, or finally finish decorating my condo, you might hear about it on here. 

I encourage my mentee to write daily, and I've always liked the idea of keeping a journal, so why not start one?  I have recently discovered that all of my memories since college are starting to blur together, so I'm hoping this will bring some organization into my life. 

My new year so far has consisted of me staying occupied with anything and everything.  Mostly school.  And work.  But plenty of fun things in between that make me temporarily forget that I am in grad school and seem to have a never ending to do list. 

The past month has been filled with lots of clinical hours. It is amazing to finally see experienced nurse practitioners in action.  I have rediscovered the fact that my taking 7 years of French was useless, and I am desperate to learn Spanish. The question is when to fit that in…

We moved to a new floor at the hospital.  While we are all adjusting to the ins and outs of working in a new space, the unit itself is very pretty and very sparkly.

My sweet friend also celebrated a birthday. Complete with yummy food and cupcakes.  

These girls and I have stuck together since we graduated nursing school.  4+ years and counting…

Of course, I couldn't start my first entry without leaving everyone with a picture of Professor James Hidalgo Moriarty. 

A big name for a big dog, but he’ll always be a free spirited little puppy to me :)
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